Plant RNA/DNA Purification Kit
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SKU# 10760069-1
Product Description
For simultaneous isolation of total RNA and DNA from the same plant sample
- No phenol extraction
- High quality DNA and RNA are purified simultaneously using the same spin column
- No need to split the lysate
- All sizes of RNA are recovered, including microRNA
- Complete column purification - The RNA and DNA are both column purified simultaneously using the same column.
- Reduce variability - RNA and DNA are isolated from a single plant sample with no splitting of the lysate, thus reducing inconsistent results and variability.
- Isolate from small samples - Simultaneous isolation of RNA and DNA from a single sample. Ideal for precious, difficult to obtain or small samples.
- Isolate a diversity of RNA species - All sizes of RNA are isolated, from large mRNA down to microRNA, without the use of phenol or chloroform.
- Isolate DNA-free plant RNA or RNA-free plant DNA - Optional protocols for on-column DNase or RNase digestion are provided if the user wishes to isolate pure, DNA-free RNA or pure, RNA-free DNA.